Why our mission is so important

Friends of Asha Niketan Inc.is a not for profit 501 (C) (3) organization, incorporated in the State of Connecticut. It raises funds to help mentally retarded people living in developing Countries. Its initial focus is to assist individuals residing in the Asha Niketan homes in Chennai, Calicut, Bangalore, Calcutta and Asansol in India. These residences exclusively rely on local and foreign donations. Proceeds from handcrafted items bring in little income. Emphasis has been given to improve the quality of life of the residents and address their basic needs.
To date funds have been used to access preventative and emergency medical care.
To introduce public education initiatives.
To ensure the availability of clean water for drinking, cooking and other purposes.
Make safety and security modifications to existing buildings.
Expand early intervention services to infants/children at risk.
To buy supplies and materials for various activities and vocational training.
To purchase a van for the transportation of Residents
Help with the construction of residential buildings, craft centers and a day care center.
Due to the generosity of our donors some assistance was given to developmentally disabled individuals residing in Dakshinya, Guntur, Anbalaya Chennai in India and L’Arche homes in Uganda and Zimbabwe